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Setting the foundation for your future.

Labette County High School is not just a place to get your high school diploma, but a foundational four years that can set the trajectory for your life. We take time to invest in our students every day, because we know after graduation everyone will go a different path. So, we have created a system that allows students to follow the path they want and help equip them for whatever their next step might be. Whether it's college, trade school, the military, or straight into the work force, we want our students to have ownership of their education while our teachers and staff help guide their way. 

And it's not just about education. While that is why we exist and our main goal, we know that life exists outside of the classroom and we want our students to be involved with our activities, clubs, sports, and being apart of our community. We always say "Once a Grizzly, Always a Grizzly" and it's true. Anybody who has been a Grizzly knows, the character, community, and culture is what makes this place special. It is what separates LCHS from another other place; and it's something you just have to experience for yourself.  

Principal Stacy Smith, talks more in-depth on the legacy of LCHS: