- 506 Foundation Scholarship
- Ad Astra Scholarship
- Agricultural Scholarship
- Alan & Martha Miller Scholarship
- Altamont Fireworks Scholarship
- Alumni Scholarship
- Angola United Methodist Scholarship
- Arthur P. Adamson (Class of 1936) Scholarship
- Bobby and Reba Roberts Scholarship
- Booster Club Scholarship
- Byron C. Peterson Memorial Scholarship
- Cares For Cory Scholarship
- Charles Harry Kastler Baseball/Softball Scholarship
- City of Bartlett Scholarship Application
- Class of 1953/1954 Scholarship
- Class of 1962 Scholarship
- Class of 1968 Scholarship
- Class of 1972 Scholarship
- Class of 1972 Technical Scholarship
- Class of 1973 Scholarship
- Class of 1979 Scholarship
- Clifford & Brenda Morris- Environmental & Safety Management Scholarship
- Corner Store Scholarship
- Delbert and Carolyn Bracken Scholarship, Class of 1954
- Don & Bobbi Raymond Living Scholarship (AGS)
- Don & Bobbi Raymond Living Scholarship (MVlly)
- Dwight & Louise Fultz Memorial Scholarship
- Edna BEARS' Scholarship
- Elsie Vail Scholarship Given by New Life Clothing & More
- Eugene S. McMunn Memorial Scholarship
- F.L. & Louise Norris Fellowship of Christian Athletes Scholarship
- Fred W. & Patricia G. Cunningham Scholarship
- Gavin G. Carson Memorial Scholarship
- Wayne & Gwendolyn Kay Alloway Shields Scholarship
- Haley R. Hilderbrand Memorial Scholarship
- Helen Rice Scholarship
- Henry Bussinger Memorial Scholarship
- James Pontious Class of 1956 Scholarship
- Jase Delich Memorial Scholarship
- Jean Charles Memorial Scholarship
- Jessica Pierce Memorial Scholarship Given by New Life Clothing & More
- Kara Shaffer Memorial Scholarhip
- LCTA Scholarship.pdf
- L.D. & Christine Curran Scholarship
- L.D. & Christine Curran Application Form.pdf- MUST USE
- The Louis Jean Frederick Shrum and Susan Kay Shrum Scholarship
- Mary Williams Eichhorn Memorial Scholarship
- Mike Giefer Memorial Scholarship
- Mound Valley Scholarship
- Parsons Rotary Club Scholarship
- Pleasant Hills Community Church Scholarship
- Post Graduate Scholarship
- Raymond T. & Helen A. Brown Memorial Scholarship
- Ryan and Lindsey (Carter) Odaffer Scholarship
- Ryan Wayne Kasson, Sr. Memorial Music/Theatre Scholarship
- Ruttgen Trade Scholarship
- Shooting Sportsmen of Labette County Scholarship
- Spanish Club Scholarship in Honor of Brett Carlson
- Traxson Family Memorial Scholarship
- Verna Lee Duckworth Memorial Scholarship
- Wilbur L. Stone & Gladys L. Stone Scholarship
- Wilhelmina Wilbershide Memorial
Local Scholarships
More than 35 local scholarships are available to LCHS seniors and in some cases to former students who have completed at least 1 year of college. We are grateful for the community's investment in the next generation and they continuous support they give to our students.
Please make sure that you qualify for each scholarship before taking the time to submit an application. Also check that you have included any specific information required by a particular scholarship. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Shields. mshields@usd506.org
*All Local Scholarships on the website will be due to Mr. Shields in the Guidance office, on or before March 1.
*You must be able to attend the Alumni Banquet in order to receive any of the Alumni scholarships.